Tracy Catherine Miller has been a practicing Attorney for 18 years and is the Founder of Domestic Violence Legal Center® that handles defense and victims’ rights in criminal and family court domestic violence cases, as well as Civil Harassment Restraining Order matters involving neighbor and Homeowners Association disputes. Domestic Violence Legal Center® also handles matters of general Criminal Defense including but not limited to: DUIs, theft/drug crimes, violations of court orders and “expungements.” Tracy also serves as a consultant and co-counsel with private firms and clinics regarding multiple cross-over issues pertaining to Domestic Violence.
Tracy is the eldest of 5 siblings, worked part-time during high school, and full-time throughout undergraduate and law school. Prior to working in the public sector, Tracy’s career in law began working as a receptionist in a firm at age 18. She is the first and only in her family to obtain a graduate degree and professional license. Tracy self-funded her entire education.
Tracy is a former Riverside County Felony Deputy District Attorney. During her tenure at the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, Tracy prosecuted many criminal cases, including those involving serious felony Domestic Violence charges. Tracy served as President of the South Orange County Bar Association (SOCBA) where she provided continuing legal education credits for that organization. In 2019, Tracy provided continuing education credits to the Newport Harbor Bar Association (NHBA). Tracy provides continuing legal education credits Statewide for lawyers, including the San Francisco Lawyers Network (SFLN). She is a member and speaker of the Orange County Bar Association (OCBA), for which she provided continuing education credits to the Association alongside The Honorable Michael E. Perez in 2019. Tracy also participated in service for the OCBA as a recognized speaker in the Association’s public service “Speakers Bureau,” whose goal is to better educate the public about the legal system and its effects on family violence.
Tracy served as an Adjunct Professor of Law teaching Pre-Trial Criminal Litigation for 2 years, and continues her lecture work as a guest speaker in law school courses regarding Domestic Violence, Restraining Orders and Family Law. Further, on a yearly basis since 2010, Tracy has acted as Moot Court Judge for Law School Competitions. Tracy acts as a guest speaker in various venues and highly recognized institutions and is also published concerning topics of Domestic Violence, Criminal Matters and Restraining Orders.
Tracy’s firm expanded to Northern California by way of her pro-bono work under the Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act as embodied in Assembly Bill 590, where Tracy represented a victim as co-counsel with then Supervisor of the Justice and Diversity Center in San Francisco, a 501(c)(3) non-profit program under the Internal Revenue Code.
Tracy provides other services to victims in Southern California as well, including shelters such as Laura’s House, Legal Aid Society of Orange County, and WISE Place (Women-Inspired-Supported-Empowered).
A case of interest2 handled by Tracy included private Marsy’s Law representation of Laura’s House by Domestic Violence Legal Center®. Laura’s House is one of the largest Domestic Violence Shelters Statewide and they were victimized by Defendant Mr. S. Marchand.
Domestic Violence Legal Center® is proud to have assisted Laura’s House and remains steadfast in helping victims, especially during the current Worldwide Pandemic, COVID-19, where so many victims are residing in quarantine with their abusers. We at Domestic Violence Legal Center® are eager and ready to partner with shelters Statewide to continue our work in crafting customized safety plans for victims of domestic violence and in our quest to defend the wrongfully accused.