Oliver K. Burchill recently moved to San Francisco to assist with opening and operating the Northern California satellite office for Domestic Violence Legal Center®. Prior to moving to the Bay Area, Oliver practicd law as an associate attorney for Domestic Violence Legal Center® at their Laguna Niguel office in Southern California. Oliver handles Domestic Violence cases in both the Family and Criminal Court, advocating for victims rights and defending the wrongfully accused. In Family Court, Oliver is familiar with prosecuting and defending Domestic Violence Restraining Orders. Oliver's representation in the Criminal arena includes but is not limited to: Marsy's law (Domestic Violence victim) representation, DUI's, theft/drug crimes, violations of Court orders, and "expungements". In Civil Court, Oliver handles Civil Harassment Restraining Orders and is acquainted with the mediation process. Oliver also works collaboratively with pro-bono organizations assisting individuals with Domestic Violence issues. Most recently, Oliver has represented victims referred by Laura's House and the Sargent Shriver Project of the San Francisco Bar Justice and Diversity Center.